Medical office cleaning checklist

January 15, 2024

Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

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Of all places we know, a medical office needs extreme cleanliness and hygiene. Maintaining a high level of cleanliness in a medical office is crucial for various reasons. It is a government requirement and helps prevent the spread of germs among patients. There is an assurance of the well-being of both staff and visitors.

Given the daily challenges doctors and staff face, it's critical to have extra help to keep the medical office clean. Being in this industry long enough, we know that unclean spaces can lead to serious consequences, including losing medical licenses and patients! 

Hence, a reliable medical cleaning service can help meet industry regulations and create a pleasant patient environment. We have an easy medical office cleaning checklist to guide you when hiring a professional cleaning service for your medical office.

Here we go!

What Is A Medical Office Building? 

A Medical Office Building (MOB) is a type of office space designed for healthcare practices. These buildings have features and designs aiming to improve patient experiences and outcomes. 

MOBs usually have waiting rooms and examination rooms with specific systems to ensure efficient healthcare delivery. They can be either on-campus, located on or near a hospital. It can also be off-campus, situated further away, often in suburban or residential areas.

The main focus in designing MOBs is patient care. It includes providing enough parking and easy access for patients, staff, and visitors. Additionally, MOBs may have modern amenities such as on-site pharmacies and laboratory services.

These buildings can be one or more stories high and commonly found near hospitals or other healthcare facilities. The size can vary, ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 square feet. Hospitals, private investors, or developers may own MOBs. Many are leased back to hospitals or health systems for extended periods.

The Importance of Medical Office Cleaning 

Imagine entering a clinic and reacting disgustingly, seeing the atmosphere. It is not what hygiene inspectors, clients, or patients look forward to. Cleaning in medical offices is imperative.  

It is not just about making the place look good; it is about keeping it safe for people who are sick. A clean office helps create professional and secure conditions for visitors.

If you are not sure why cleaning in medical offices is crucial, we give you a few reasons to ponder-

Reducing Spread of Infections

Cleaning has become especially important after the world saw the repercussions of Covid-19. But we don’t imply that cleaning is important just because of the pandemic. In general, it is crucial to keep a medical office clean to prevent the spread of infections.

For example, when surfaces like doorknobs, waiting room chairs, and examination tables remain clean and disinfected, it helps eliminate harmful germs. It reduces the risk of patients or staff members getting sick from contact with contaminated surfaces.

Fewer Sick Leaves From Employees

What if medical office employees start taking sick leaves? It impacts patient service drastically! 

Know that running a medical office means looking into the employee's needs and grievances. Not everything is about money.  

A clean and sanitized environment contributes to the welfare of the workforce, leading to fewer sick leaves. When there are clean workspaces, employees are less likely to be exposed to germs that can cause illnesses. It ensures a healthier workforce and reduces the disruptions caused by absenteeism. The productivity of the medical office remains top-notch. 

For instance, if the employee desk or office breakroom is clean, the chances of contagious illnesses spreading among co-workers would be lesser. So, keep the office running smoothly by having a proper medical office cleaning checklist and having professional cleaners.

Positive Impressions on Clients

Imagine a new patient entering a medical office for the first time. The patient feels more comfortable in a neat waiting area, clean floors, and overall order maintenance. There is trust that the medical professionals take their work seriously.

It is the reason why cleaning medical offices is significant. A clean medical office creates a positive impression on clients, instilling confidence in the quality of care they will receive.

Patients feel reassured when they enter a well-maintained and tidy environment. A positive perception can add to a better patient experience in the facility.

A Professional Appearance

A professional look of a clinic works well for the business as it elevates the brand image. Several studies show that visitors like health inspectors, clients, and patients would prefer a professional-looking medical body to an unprofessional one. You may call it a psychological illusion, but it does work.

Think of a medical office with organized examination rooms, sanitized medical equipment, and spotless reception areas. Wouldn’t you want to step into such a space? It gives a sense of harmony. It reassures patients about the competence and dedication of the healthcare providers.

In a nutshell, a clean medical body, no matter how big or small, is vital in every aspect and everyone connected to it. A clean environment is better than a filthy one, whatever the brand name may be.

The Medical Office Cleaning Checklist 

Numerous areas need proper cleaning in a medical facility. It might be difficult to keep check of what’s done and not. That’s why hire deep cleaning services and keep a suitable medical office cleaning checklist. It takes care of all the work needed in terms of cleanliness.  

If you want thorough cleanliness, having a medical clinic cleaning checklist will keep things easy. Here is what it should include, whether you hire professionals or use domestic cleaners-

Medical Office Cleaning Procedures for Exterior Cleaning

Keeping the outside of your office clean is not just about looks; it's about stopping germs and dirt from getting inside. Make sure your cleaning service does these things to prevent places where bacteria can grow-

  • Dumpster Cleaning- Ensure the area near the big garbage bins is cleaned regularly. It helps avoid attracting pests and spreading germs.
  • Emptying Bins and Ashtrays- Empty the bins and keep them at a distance after cleaning them. It keeps them from smelling bad and prevents the buildup of bacteria.
  • Parking Lot Cleanliness- Ensure the parking lot is free of trash and debris. It helps to maintain a neat environment and prevents the spread of dirt into the office.
  • Eliminate Hazards from Walkaways- If there's water or any liquid that can make people slip outside, it needs to be taken care of. Everyone will be safe from accidents.
  • Entrance Mat Cleaning/Relacing- Mats bring in a lot of dirt, making it difficult for a clean entryway, especially during monsoons. Have it cleaned regularly.

Medical Office Cleaning Procedures for Back Office Cleaning

The back offices have many places that people touch a lot. It can become a hotspot for germs. Keep the place where your employees work every day and all the electronic stuff they use sanitized. To keep things clean, ensure the following takes place-

  • Sweeping and Vacuuming the Floors- Make sure cleaners clean the floors with a broom or vacuum to get rid of dirt and dust.
  • Hard Floor Mopping- They should use a mop to clean hard floors like tiles or wood to keep them germ-free.
  • Clear the Trash- Take out the garbage regularly so it doesn't smell bad and attract germs. 
  • Remove Desk Clutter- Keep the area around the desks clean by getting rid of extra stuff. It helps prevent germs from hiding in the mess. Cleaners should wipe the desks every day to kill germs and keep the workspace clean.
  • Wall Cleaning- Make sure janitors clean the walls to get rid of any germs that might be on them.
  • Disinfect Keyboards, Mice, and Phones- let them clean the things people touch a lot, like phones, keyboards, and mice, to stop the spread of germs.
  • Breakroom Microwave and Fridge Cleaning- Let them clean the inside of the fridge and microwave regularly. It will keep them from getting gross and spreading germs.
  • Disinfect Coffee Pots, Sinks, and Mugs- Ensure clean coffee pots, sinks, and mugs frequently to prevent the spread of germs in the breakroom.

Medical Office Cleaning Procedures for Waiting Room And Entryway Cleaning

The next area in our doctor's office cleaning checklist is the waiting room area and entrance point. Well, in general, we’d say medical offices are prone to germs and infection in every area! However, waiting rooms and entryways are high risk, especially with sick patients. 

To stop germs from spreading to the whole place, follow this medical room cleaning checklist-

  • Regular Disinfecting of Plates and Door Handles- Cleaning the handles and plates on doors often to kill germs and keep them from spreading.
  • Mop and Sweep Hard Floors Daily- Cleaners should use a broom or mop to clean the floors made of hard materials like tiles. It helps eliminate deep-rooted dirt and germs.
  • Frequently Disinfect Chairs, Tables, and Counters- Wiping down the counters, tables, and chairs often to keep them clean and antiseptic. There can be food and drink counters that need special focus.
  • Clean and Sanitize Children's Toys from the Play Area- If there are toys or play areas for kids, have them cleaned regularly to stop the spread of germs.
  • Cleaning and Waxing Hard Floors- At least once a year, hire cleaners to clean and put wax on hard floors. It will keep them looking professional and protect them from damage.

Medical Office Cleaning Procedures for Patient Examination Rooms

Without sounding cynical, we know patients are a huge source of spreading infection. Therefore, having a thoroughly cleaned patient examination room is critical. Here are a few things in the patient and doctors room cleaning checklist to get done-

  • Disposing of Medical Gear- Throw away protective gear, injections, and gloves immediately after use. It shouldn’t be used for another patient at all.
  • Surface Cleaning- Disinfect every surface after each patient leaves. We know patient care is important. For this reason, janitors should clean all rooms after inspecting them.
  • Sanitize Medical Tools- Be sure they clean and sanitize medical tools like BP machines, stethoscopes, otoscopes, etc., after every use. These tools touch the patient and may carry harmful viruses to another.
  • Cabinets and Countertop Cleaning- Using approved disinfectants to clean cabinets and countertops would be wise. It ensures thorough cleaning for a safe environment in general.
  • Empty Trash Cans- Removing dirt from trash cans in the examination room is of utmost importance. Don’t let it be a home to flies and other insects. For dry and wet waste, cleaners should follow all the rules necessary from the government.
  • Eliminate Smudges and Fingerprints from Windows- This point is for glass windows. Let cleaners use suitable cleaning agents and wipe them properly. Glass doors and windows create a lasting impression. Cleaners should wipe it with a damp cloth and a cleaning agent regularly.

Effective Medical Office Cleaning Checklist– The Best Practices To Follow

Regardless of the clinic cleaning checklist, there are a few things to remember for effective medical office cleaning. Do not take these for granted at any cost. These are the very things that come under the radar and create a negative image. So here is what you should look into-  

  • No Strong Smells- Imagine entering a place with a foul smell. It would be an immediate problem with everyone. Therefore, ensure there are no strong chemical smells in the air. These smells can make breathing harder, especially for people with respiratory issues.
  • Use Safe Cleaning Products- Cleaners should use products approved by the EPA or agents with no harmful chemicals. It creates a secure environment.
  • Clean Air Ducts and Use Good Filters- Let cleaners regularly clean the air ducts and use special medical-grade filters in the HVAC system. It ensures that the air is clean and healthy to breathe.
  • Sanitize Germ Hotspot- Don't forget to clean buttons and switches wherever possible. Many miss it quite often. These spots can have lots of germs, so keeping them clean is important.
  • Provide Hand Sanitizer- Keep hand sanitizer in areas with huge traffic. It benefits everyone to keep their hands clean and prevents the spread of germs.

Medical Office Cleaning Checklist- The Timeline

By now, you know how important it is to have a clean medical office. You also know what is included in the medical practice cleaning checklist. However, in this section, we dig into “when” you should do particular cleaning activities in the medical office.

We have divided the cleaning activities from the cleaning checklist for the clinic according to their time. After much pondering, we have mentioned which activities fall under the daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly categories. Here they are- 

Why this division? It’s because not all cleaning tasks are meant to be done every day. It all depends on the severity levels of cleanliness.

Daily Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

  • In the daily cleaning checklist for the clinic, the reception area is of high importance. It's essential to wipe down the desk and countertops, clean and sanitize chairs and empty trash bins, and sweep and mop the floor.
  • Common areas require the sanitization of doorknobs, light switches, and other high-touch surfaces. It also needs vacuuming carpets, mopping floors, and dusting surfaces in hallways.
  • Examination rooms demand disinfection of tables, chairs, and equipment handles, along with replacing disposable covers and wiping down sink fixtures.
  • Daily entryway cleaning is a must. Cleaners can mop the floor frequently according to foot traffic.
  • Restrooms require cleaning and sanitizing toilet seats, handles, and flush buttons. Daily wiping of mirrors and countertops should be thorough. 

Weekly Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

It involves additional cleaning measures, different from the daily cleaning tasks. They are as follows-

  • Office spaces call for dusting and sanitizing desks and phones. Cleaners should vacuum and mop floors, organize workspaces, and clean out the office refrigerator. From the refrigerator, they should eliminate the things that aren’t required. Proper cleaning of the refrigerator is crucial.
  • Examination rooms require dusting shelves and cabinets. The room also needs weekly vacuuming and mopping floors, replacing soiled curtains or blinds, and exhaustive disinfection of medical equipment.
  • In waiting areas, cleaners must dust and polish furniture. They must vacuum the upholstered furniture weekly. Checking and cleaning of air vents is a must. Cleaning the windows and glass surfaces comes under weekly cleaning tasks.
  • Restrooms need scrubbing and disinfecting sinks, faucets, and grout. Ensure there is deeper cleaning and disinfecting of mirrors. Cleaners should check for plumbing issues and restock supplies like soap, paper towels, sanitizer, etc.

Monthly Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

Monthly cleaning tasks are more time-consuming as they involve deeper inspections and maintenance work-

  • Examination rooms require deep cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces. Checking medical equipment for maintenance needs, replacing worn-out furniture, and inspecting light fixtures are a must under the monthly clinical room cleaning checklist. 
  • In waiting areas, upholstered furniture is dry-cleaned. There should be an inspection and cleaning of light fixtures and ceiling fans. The carpets and rugs need deep cleaning every month.
  • Office spaces call for cleaning and sanitizing all equipment. There should be dusting and cleaning of storage areas every month. Cleaners must eliminate the things that aren’t required and reorganize the space neatly. Every month, organize common spaces and deep clean carpets and hard floors.
  • Restrooms need a deep clean and sanitation of all surfaces. There should be inspection and cleaning of grout and tiles, addressing facility issues promptly, and replacing broken fixtures or accessories.

Yearly Medical Office Cleaning Checklist

Here is the yearly medical cleaning checklist. Cleaners and medical office owners often take deep and comprehensive action under this section. They are as follows-

  • Waiting rooms require professional upholstery cleaning. There is the inspection of damaged or worn-out furniture. If needed, cleaning, polishing, or replacement is required. Medical office owners may consider decor updates or a slight interior revamp. It can be a small one, as a bigger revamp is feasible every 5-10 years.  
  • Examination rooms require the preparation of specialized deep cleaning. Cleaners ensure medical devices are up to date and functioning correctly. They should review infection control protocols with staff and mend things where needed.
  • Unlike weekly or monthly cleaning, yearly restroom cleaning needs professional deep cleaning and restoration of surfaces. There should be potential fixture upgrades, water damage, addressing seepages, and ensuring all safety features are working.
  • Office spaces require a professional deep cleaning and a thorough inventory check. They should be updating policies and procedures and staff training on infection control and cleanliness.

Factors to Consider For Medical Office Cleaning Procedures

There are times when you need to consider cleaning the medical building for different reasons- some expected and some unexpected. Here are a few factors that change the cleaning timeline and methods-

  • After Illness Outbreaks- We have experienced the worldwide pandemic and know its repercussions. While we don’t talk on the same level, if there's an illness outbreak among staff or patients, it is crucial for a thorough cleaning. It helps to stop the spread of germs and ensures that everyone in the office is working or visiting a safe and clean environment.
  • Special Events or Inspections- Before important events, or inspections, it's a good time for a professional medical office cleaning. It ensures the office looks its best and leaves a positive impression on visitors and inspectors.
  • Change of Seasons- Consider doing a deep cleaning when the seasons change. It helps to eliminate dust and allergens that may have accumulated, especially in places not regularly cleaned.
  • When Moving In or Out- There can be a time when you move the office to another space. If you are moving into a new medical office or leaving one, doing professional cleaning would be good. You keep the new space clean and the old one in good condition.
  • Crisis Situation- In case of accidents or emergencies, such as spills of hazardous materials, it is crucial to bring in professionals for a thorough and safe cleanup.

Why Hire Professionals for Medical Office Cleaning?

Numerous medical offices have come under the radar for poor hygiene and maintenance levels. Some medical bodies were shut down, due to the same reason. You don’t want that for yours, right?  

It would be wise to hire a professional cleaning team to clean the medical office. We can give you several reasons, but it will be your call.

Information about Regulatory Compliance

Medical offices must stick to strict policies and guidelines set by government health agencies. The professionals in medical office cleaning are well-versed in these standards, ensuring that the facility complies with fixed regulations.  

They know the rules under CDC, HIPAA, OSHA, and other standards. Failure to comply affects the business severely. Amateur cleaners wouldn’t know such details.

Having General Knowledge about Cleaning

You might already have an internal cleaning or janitorial team for your medical office, but do they know the critical areas to clean well? Are they utilizing suitable chemicals that won't harm the environment? The truth is- regular cleaners might not meet the high standards needed for a medical office.  

Professional cleaners use industry-standard disinfectants tailored to healthcare settings. When you hire trusted professionals, they know how to make your office super neat and secure. They contribute to secure conditions for both staff and patients.

Infection Control and Proper Waste Disposal

Due to the presence of sick individuals, the risk of infection in medical settings is higher. Professionals understand the importance of thorough and effective cleaning methods to eliminate pathogens and stop the spread of infections.  

Medical offices generate hazardous waste that requires proper disposal. Professionals are trained to handle and dispose of medical waste, assuring compliance with environmental regulations and minimizing health risks. They have rigorous cleaning procedures to eliminate pathogens effectively. It is crucial in a medical office where the transmission of infections is easy.

Special Cleaning Based On Areas

Medical offices have unique areas with specific cleaning requirements, such as waiting rooms, examination rooms, and restrooms. Professionals can tailor their cleaning approach to address the diverse needs of each space. It guarantees a comprehensive and effective cleaning process.

Efficient Professionals

Time is a critical factor in a medical office setting. Professionals can work efficiently and at times are least disruptive to the medical practice. It allows healthcare professionals to focus on patient care without being burdened by cleaning responsibilities.

Customized Cleaning Plans

Professional cleaning services can create customized cleaning plans based on the unique needs of a medical office. It guarantees all areas are thoroughly cleaned and maintained, contributing to a consistently hygienic environment.

Risk Mitigation

Entrusting cleaning responsibilities to professionals mitigates the risk of errors or oversights. Professionals pay great attention to detail, reducing the likelihood of issues that could impact the health and safety of individuals. They are trained that way. 

Sterling Cleaning Services For An Impressive Medical Office Cleaning

Cleaning is not an easy task. We very well know it may take hours to finish just a portion. While you may have qualms about hiring a professional team due to monetary or other reasons, we think you should go for it. Our reasons are mentioned in this blog so you have all the time to think.

Raise the cleanliness standards of your medical office with Sterling Cleaning Services- your go-to professional for impeccable cleaning solutions. Backed by years of experience in the cleaning industry, Sterling Cleaning Services stands for excellent results.

We understand the unique requirements of medical practice cleaning, emphasizing the importance of a sanitary and safe environment. Hence, our dedicated team of experts possesses extensive knowledge regarding it.

At Sterling Cleaning Services, we pride ourselves on delivering stellar commercial cleaning services. Look forward to phenomenal medical practice cleaning services. Our track record speaks volumes about our reliability and efficiency, making us the trusted choice for businesses prioritizing cleanliness and professionalism.

When you choose Sterling Cleaning Services, you opt for a team that goes beyond the surface. We create a pristine atmosphere and promote a healthy and inviting space for everyone. 

Experience the difference with our comprehensive cleaning solutions, designed to leave a lasting, positive impression on everyone who enters the medical office.

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Please reach us at any time to set up an appointment to review your commercial cleaning requirements. Sterling will provide an on-site review of your janitorial needs, then create a custom proposal that fits both your specifications and budget


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